I first read this on the wall of the @whitehartclinic, just after lockdown.
It was the first appointment of the next stage of my physical recovery and was exactly what I needed to see and hear, which I suppose is why my mind let me see and hear it when I did.
Today I filmed this brook on an impromptu walk through central Barnes to pick up a prescription and walk home again. My partner came with me for moral support and exercise. While I would have just walked home the short way and gone back to work, he suggested the long way home. Neither of us would have had this wonderful break in the day without the other. And neither of us would have had the opportunity if I hadn’t made the leaps of faith to fully invest in my writing and coaching back then, when I read that quote on that wall.
I’m so grateful to the me who saw and read that writing on the wall, for keeping faith with the physical and mental health habits that allow me to see how much power I have over my day, my time, my choices. To put the ‘creative’ in ‘writer’: creating the life and art you want.
That’s how and why I’m writing more, and the reason I’m launching The Creative Writer: to creating the art, work and life we want.
Applications open until 28 June: click the bio for more information on my books, this course and other events, or DM a question right here ✍️
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